Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Allergy Rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis, also known as nasal allergy, is an inflammatory condition that irritates the nasal lining of one’s nose due to the overreaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens (such as dust mites, pollens, etc).

Homeopathy is indeed a highly advanced system of healing, having much expertise in treating several allergic health conditions, including allergic rhinitis. Homeopathic medicines for allergies do work by moderating the overactive immune system, which helps stop the further progression of the complaint, giving lots of symptomatic relief, and gradually a permanent cure.  Symptoms include sneezing, discharge from the nose, a blocked, stuffy nose, itching in the nose, eyes, and throat, watery, red eyes, and also cough. All are no doubt well managed with homeopathic medicines. In chronic cases, homeopathy does help to gradually reduce episodes of acute allergy. This is rather followed by the aim to cure the trouble from its specific roots. With regular use of homeopathic medicines, the dependency on conventional medicines such as antihistamines and nasal sprays, as well as corticosteroids, can be reduced to almost negligible. Homeopathic medicines can also help prevent complications in long-standing allergy cases if a regularly prescribed course of these medicines is rather followed under the supervision of a homeopathic expert.

Homeopathy’s mission is to cure rather than suppress.

Homeopathy does not follow the path of suppression in allergic rhinitis, also referred to as hay fever, as it will just make the complaint more complex and can treat and cure; nor does it, of course, aim to bring temporary symptomatic relief. Rather, its main objective is to offer a permanent cure for nasal allergy. This objective is rather achieved by the usage of homeopathic medicines selected individually for any given case based on the law of individualization taken in properly selected potency, dose, and time duration as prescribed by a homeopathic physician with regular follow-ups.

Homeopathy treats with harmless medicines.

In homeopathy, medicines used for treating allergic rhinitis are entirely harmless and mainly sourced from plants or organic substances.  These are capable of treating allergies in the safest, gentlest, and also most harmless way as per homeopathic principles. They do not have any sort of side effects and do help in recovering naturally.

Homeopathic medicines are non-addictive.

There is no chance of creating any kind of dependency on homeopathic medicines given for allergic rhinitis treatment. These medicines, on achieving the desired results, can, of course, be easily discontinued. It is recommended to stop the medicines gradually by reducing the prescribed dosage step by step as guided by the homeopathic physician.

Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Allergic Rhinitis

Natrum Mur, Sabadilla, Arsenic Album, Allium Cepa, Arundo Mauritanica, and Euphrasia. 

Causes of Allergic Rhinitis

It does result from an overreaction of the immune system to inhaled allergens like pollen, wheat threshing dust, dust, etc. In other words, the body’s defense cells, which are of course meant to fight microorganisms such as bacteria and viruses, start overreacting to substances like pollen, which are otherwise harmless to one’s body. This interaction between the defense cells (antibodies) and also substances like pollen, wheat threshing dust (antigens), etc. does result in the production of a substance, histamine, which is responsible for all local symptoms produced during allergies.

What are the symptoms?

Few symptoms arise immediately after exposure to the allergen, and few symptoms can also develop later.  It is necessary to mention that symptoms of allergic rhinitis are not life-threatening but can, in fact, seriously affect the quality of one’s life.  The symptoms can occur only in a particular season or all year round, which does depend on the type of allergic rhinitis.

Effective Homeopathic Treatment for Allergy Rhinitis

The following symptoms arise immediately upon exposure to an allergen:
  • Sneezing can range from a few to several.
  • Profuse watery discharge from one’s nose.
  • Itching in the nose, eyes, roof of the person’s mouth, and throat.
  • Watery, red eyes.

The following symptoms may occur later:
  • Blocked stuffy nose.
  • Cough.
  • Sore, scratchy throat.
  • Headache. 
  • A blockage in the ears.
  • Reduced sense of smell.
  • Fatigue, irritability, feeling ill.
  • Difficulty in breathing in a few patients.
  • Dark under-eye circles.
Common Allergens Triggering Nasal Allergy
  • Different kinds of pollen (powder discharged from flowering plants): Tree pollen, grass pollen.
  • Weeds.
  • Mites in the dust inside the homes.
  • Mold.
  • Animal dander (tiny flakes shed from skin) from pets like dogs and cats.
  • Wood dust.

Allergic rhinitis does occur from allergies, but certain external factors can also trigger or aggravate allergic rhinitis. A few of these include strong smells such as perfumes, cigarette smoke, wind, cold temperatures, wood smoke, and fumes.

Who is at risk?

Though anyone can suffer from it, those having a family history of allergic rhinitis or a few other allergies are at more risk. People who have atopic eczema and asthma are also highly prone.

Is Allergic Rhinitis Contagious?

No, it is not contagious. It means it does not spread from one person to another via inhalation of respiratory droplets from the person suffering from allergic rhinitis.

Can allergic rhinitis lead to any complications?

Yes, a few complications can arise from allergic rhinitis. These include the development of asthma or worsening of asthma, frequent sinus infections, frequent ear infections, and nasal polyps formation. The symptoms can cause poor sleep or an inability to sleep at night.


In homeopathy, medicines used for treating allergic rhinitis are entirely harmless and sourced from plants or organic substances. These are no doubt capable of treating allergies in the safest, gentlest, and most harmless way as per homeopathic principles.  They do not, of course, have any kind of side effects and help the patient to recover naturally. Homeopathic treatment for allergic rhinitis is safe and very beneficial.

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