Who  to Try Ayurveda Panchakarma? Benefits and Precautions

Who to Try Ayurveda Panchakarma? Benefits and Precautions

Ayurveda Panchakarma happens to be an Ayurvedic treatment that employs five major therapeutic procedures to restore one’s body’s balance.  It does revive the irregularities between the three doshas, thus strengthening the immune system; it also regulates digestion, and it does eliminate excessive ama (accumulated toxins) for a total detox.  When performed under the supervision of a trained therapist, this Ayurvedic treatment has no side effects. Yet, success depends upon how well the physician and the patient cooperate.

Five Major Panchakarma Therapies

1. Virechnam: It is amongst the five healing practices of Panchakarma that is designed for a Pitta imbalance. So, the administration of purgative substances does heal the physical and emotional as well as mental disorders.

2. Basti: This Panchakarma treatment does use an enema of herbal decoctions. Thus, it is helpful for Vata disorders and is a colon cleansing procedure.

3. Raktamokshan: It is both a preventive as well as a curative blood cleansing Ayurvedic treatment. It can heal several allied health conditions.

4. Vamana: It is considered to be a practice of therapeutic as well as medicinal emesis that does treat a Kapha imbalance.

5. Nasya: Aromatic herbal oils are poured in a particular nostril and also washed out from the other. Thus, it does improve one’s memory and breathing, as well as also hearing ability.

A Few Other Procedures

1. Abhyanga: This Ayurveda Panchakarma treatment in hyderabad does entail a full-body massage with pure herbal oils that indeed have been prepared for specific needs.  

2. Vishesh: To enhance blood circulation as well as relieve any muscular tension, Vishesh treatment is no doubt conducted.

3. Garshan: The therapist wears raw silk gloves to create friction on the skin. Therefore, it aids blood circulation, removes impurities, and always succeeds Abhyanga.

4. Udvarthana: A paste made of ground grains and herbs is applied to cleanse the skin pores as well as tissues.

5. Shirodhara: In this Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment, complete silence is necessary. Pouring a stream of warm oil over the forehead provides deep relaxation.

6. Swedana: This Ayurvedic practice is also known as steam therapy. It makes use of herbal steam to clear toxins from the body as well as relieve mental tensions.

7. Marma: This healing procedure does involve putting pressure on the marma points scattered in one’s body. It is like Ayurvedic acupressure.

8. Netra Tarpana: Ghee or even a medicated oil is used to enhance the vision in Netra Tarpana Ayurvedic treatment.

Who  to Try Ayurveda Panchakarma? Benefits and Precautions

Ayurveda Panchakarma Treatment Benefits

Once the person experiences the benefits, he or she cannot turn a blind eye. This age-old rejuvenation system is, in fact, much more than just a herbal massage. It can, of course, treat a wide range of physical as well as emotional disorders. Thus, this Ayurvedic Panchakarma treatment helps manage:

  • Respiratory disorders.
  • Diabetes.
  • Chronic ulcers.
  • Skin problems.
  • Depression.
  • Insomnia.
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • High BP and also cholesterol.
  • Digestive issues.
  • Arthritis.
  • Obesity.
  • Cerebral palsy.
  • Deteriorating eyesight.
  • Chronic inflammation.
For whom is Ayurveda Panchakarma?

Panchakarma is rather carried out individually for each person with their specific constitution and also specific disorder in mind; thus, it does require close observation and also supervision. Treatment does start with pre-purification measures of Snehan and Svedana, and then as well as cleansing methods—Shodanas are applied. Every individual constitution has its unique balance of vata, pitta, and kapha (VPK) according to its nature. This balance of VPK is the natural order. When this doshic balance is disturbed, it creates imbalance, which is disorder.


Health is considered to be order; disease is disorder. Within the body, there is no doubt a constant interaction between order and disorder; thus, once a person understands the nature and also the structure of disorder, the person can re-establish order. Ayurveda panchakarma focuses on the order that lies within disorder. Order is the state of health, as defined by Ayurveda Panchakarma.

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