Skin Deep Solutions: Explore Homeopathy for Skin Infections

Skin Deep Solutions: Explore Homeopathy for Skin Infections

Skin infections can occur at any age, particularly when the skin tends to break. Serious skin infections generally require medical help if the condition is extensive and spreading.

If the regional lymph glands do become swollen and painful, if the person becomes toxic (poisoned by the infection) and also feels feverish, or if his or her face or scalp is involved, simple skin infections do respond well to homeopathic treatment.

Symptoms and Homeopathic Medicines:

1. Bluish-red pustular eruptions—Antimonium tartaricum.

2. It starts as a light-red discoloration, but affected skin does become livid soon, purple and swollen, and also feels bruised and has sore swelling that appears early in the development of the condition—Apis mellifica.

3. Skin does appear bright red and swollen, skin is smooth and also tense pain is sharp and rather throbbing; can have a headache, fever, and, of course, swollen glands. — Belladonna.

4. Large yellow blisters, high-temperature pain extending from gum to ear—euphorbium

5. For recurring and chronic cases that involve the nose and also the face, the slightest irritation to the skin does bring on the condition.

6. Mainly left-sided, the area does become bright red but soon becomes dark blue or purple. I feel drowsy and weak.

7. infection of the skin around one’s joints, useful in the early stages of cellulite.

8. Infected skin does look dark, red, and swollen, with itching and tingling. Small skin blisters do appear at the start of the infection; the scalp, scalp face, and genitalia are the most common areas involved.

Skin ulcers:

Skin ulcers usually occur on the legs when one’s circulation is poor, often in varicose veins. Any injury to the skin with poor blood supply is likely to become an ulcer, which is normally treated with antiseptic dressings and also supported by bandages. Self-help included raising the legs above the level of the heart when resting, taking a daily walk, eating a nutritious diet, and also avoiding standing. If applying your own dressings, use “hypericum and calendula ointment.” Several homeopathic medicines can be used to aid healing, but medical advice is often needed.

Skin Ulcers Skin Ulcers

Symptoms and medicines:

Burning pain is aided by warmth and becomes worse between midnight and 2 a.m. — Arsenicum album.

Poor circulation and the leg happen to be cold, the area feels sore and bruised. The ulcer is surrounded by a deep blue-red area — Hamamelis.

The edge of the ulcer does look clean cut — Kali bichromicum.

The skin around the ulcer is rather bluish-purple. The ulcer is painful when walking or being tightly wrapped — Lachesis.

For infection with foul-smelling pus, — Mercurius solubilis.

Ulcer bleeds easily, pain as if a splinter is there—Nitric acid.

Itching and skin irritation:

Skin irritation can occur without a rash and is at times caused by an underlying disease, so if it does persist, consult the doctor. It can be a problem during pregnancy when the skin temperature is slightly raised and a cool bath or shower can provide relief. In older women, the skin can be itchy as it is rather dry, but using moisturizing creams and lotions does help relieve the problem.

Symptoms and medicines:

Skin is dry, itchy, and is also aggravated by warmth—alumina.

There is itching of one’s vagina and vulva—Caladium saguinum.

There is itching all over the body—iitchthyolum.

Itching made worse by undressing—rumex.


This is more common in women than men and is a painful enlargement at the junction of the big toe and the foot. It is probably caused by wearing poorly fitting shoes.

Symptoms and medicines:

A scathing pain in the big toe can also mean suffering from gout —-benzoic acid

Allergy Rashes:

These rashes are also known as urticaria, nettle rash, poison ivy, and hives. It is in the form of a skin eruption involving the whole body, developing quite quickly in response to eating foods like strawberries and shellfish.


It is interesting to observe skin eruptions and how homeopathy can be used to treat them.

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